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YCRO PvP Tournament

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 3:33 pm
by Yoon
Hey everyone, what's up?

Tarquin suggested that we should throw a PvP Tournament on the YCRO Practice Server. It would be available to all Y-Corner members, including former/current DT/Forgotten/WTF players, as well as former/current players from qRO, LRO, and RaijeRO that would be interested in participating in the tournament. This would be fun, as it would be kind of like a guild reunion, especially for all the members that are no longer playing with the guild or have quit RO altogether (like me).

If we do throw a tournament, PvP rules will be similar to the restrictions that were set on servers like qRO and LRO.


* PvP rules will be similar to those set on old qRO and LRO servers.
* Stats will be restricted to legal limits. Characters using artificial stat boosts using GM commands will not be allowed.
* Level max is 99. Tournament applicants will be given the opportunity to get a LV 99 character with the job skill level maxed to legal limits. Characters past the legal level limit (100+) will not be allowed.
* All characters / accounts will be deleted prior to the tournament. This will be done to prevent the use of heavily stat modified (non-legal) characters.
* Stat modifier commands like "@str/@agi/@int/@dex/@luk/@lvlup" will be disabled during the tournament.
* GM commands like "@heal", "@summon", etc. that would interfere with PvP matches will be disabled during the tournament.
* MVP cards will not be allowed.

Of course, these rules are not set in stone, but if anyone has any good ideas for a PvP tournament on YCRO, feel free to post it in this thread! What do you guys think? Should a PvP tournament be held on YCRO? Vote now!


UPDATE (6/6/2009): Alright, the tournament matches have been set. Since there were only five PvP applicants, the match setup is a little bit uneven, since there will be two BYEs.

Here are the matches:

Match 1: Loki vs. Nevermind = Nevermind wins by default.
Match 2: Guhosutsubenu vs. Snapsi = Snapsi wins by default.
Match 3: Hadvi vs. BYE (No Match) = BYE
Match 4: BYE vs. BYE (No Match) = BYE
Match 5: Nevermind vs. Hadvi = Nevermind wins by default.
Match 6: Snapsi vs. BYE (No Match) = Snapsi wins by default.
Match 7: Nevermind vs. Snapsi = Snapsi wins.


UPDATE (6/25/2009): Just a reminder, the re-scheduled tournament is this Sunday, at around the old qRO time (5PM Central Time)! Combatants will be given a limited amount of healing items per match.

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 3:51 pm
by Slayer
can there also be a rule of no god equips and maximum refine rate of 7 and no mini boss cards? i dunno it jest makes it more of a legit thing :D either way im entering :mrgreen:

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 4:07 pm
by Yoon
Yeah, there might be a limit set on refining higher level equipment, but refining lower level equipment like Composite Bows, Blades, etc. to max will be acceptable. As far as mini-boss cards, they may or may not be banned in PvP, depending if people want to have them in or not.

Like I said, the rules are not set in stone and can be set to what people generally want.

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 5:21 pm
by Slayer
hmm i got a suggestion. mabey after the tournement we could have a doubles tournement?

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 2:32 am
by Tarquin
Awesome! Just 1 thing, certain Miniboss cards like Deviling and Ghostring are pretty powerful, in my opinion those should be restricted? Possibly restrict the refine rate of expensive stuff like Valkyrie Armors (just imagine a +10/+7 Valkyrie Armor!).
In any case, I'm in!

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 4:19 am
by Yahoo
Dunno if Im in. Might come as an observer (Im not much of a pvp player)
Sounds nice though :þ

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 9:24 am
by ascot
Last time I PvP'd was... even before LRO, so... 3 years ago? I'd come to watch ^^

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 10:03 am
by Yahoo
Got LK there now :D
But ya aint gonna like its eguips xD

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 11:10 am
by Slayer
let me guess +10 violet fear with 2x dollopago cards with 190 atsp? :D
or tao guaka in a +10 diable armor or even a azures guard *the shield with 100 def*? :lol: nah im jest kidding so what equips do you have on your lk? :mrgreen:

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 6:43 am
by Yahoo
+10 violet fear with 2 hydras :þ
Diablos armor with ghostring/tao gunka, diablos shoes with green ferus, diablos manteau with ray and so on :D

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 8:35 am
by Slayer
violet fear is good but it will never beat this weapon ... em_class=8 top one :D combine it with the top shield and the only thing thats gonna hurt painfully is ice pick ... m_class=32

Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 2:53 pm
by Yoon
As a lot of people seem to be interested in doing a PvP tournament on YCRO, I think it's safe to say that the tournament is a go ahead.

I will start up another thread shortly about when we should hold this tournament.

EDIT: Vote in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1665&start=0

YCRO PvP Tournament: Select a Date!

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 2:58 pm
by Yoon
Since the voices have spoken and the demand for a PvP tournament is high, it is safe to say that the tournament will indeed happen. The next big question is when it should be held. Select the available date(s) that you think the tournament should be held on. Unfortunately, I will be travelling on the first and third weekends of May, so those options have been omitted.


Re: PvP Tournament on YCRO Practice Server?

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 4:17 am
by Hadvi
LOL, who voted for the fourth option XD.

Re: YCRO PvP Tournament: Select a Date!

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 9:13 am
by Yahoo
Nearly all of those are good for meh :þ
Except May 30 and June 13.
May 30th because Im gonna graduate on that day :þ
And June 13th cause it is my birthday.