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Posted: January 24th, 2008, 4:16 pm
by Jaegar
instant noodles ^^p

Instant noodles are tasty, ready to eat in minutes, and only a complete moron can mess them up. Seriously, they do combine all 3 of those qualities best out of anything I know of. If you want something tastier you have to work for it. Well... there is this one desert I know of. My mom's apple pie crust is made of just sugar, flour, and butter and tastes delicious. It's a kinda lazy way to make a "from scratch" dessert. Muffin mixes are good too though if you get the right kind.

btw, that pie crust I eat raw is 2 parts flour, 2 parts sugar, and 1 part melted butter. Add a little extra sugar and flour to make it thicker. I like to add the sugar and mix it up so it's smoother instead of having a lot of grainy sugar.


Posted: January 24th, 2008, 6:51 pm
by Slayer
i remember a lot from catering (before i dropped it :D)
like in year 8 we made flap jacks or easter nests ^^
then we learned how to make it healthy and stuff (twicked around with what you put in it ext)
then i did it for a bit in year 10 then i though this is annoying now :D


Posted: January 24th, 2008, 6:55 pm
by Anthea
Noodles give me headache =(
Maybe gotta try that pie thingy, you can never eat too much sweet things xP


Posted: January 24th, 2008, 9:58 pm
by Saxire
Cookies should be crunchy!!!!
instant noodles ftw!! ;D
things which arent sweet taste good ??? XP


Posted: January 25th, 2008, 3:40 am
by Anthea
There's nothing like that xP
Yeah, cookies for the win *nod*
Altho you can't live just by cookies tho =( Need to have some salt too at times xD


Posted: January 25th, 2008, 1:09 pm
by ascot
i can cook lots of indian stuff but none of you would know what im sayin
I'd like to try some indian stuff ^^ It's with curry?

,but like i said i can make chocolate ::)
You are my GOD! *.*


Posted: January 25th, 2008, 4:38 pm
by Saxire
lol i know to make other stuff, but why bother ???

i can live on cookies and chocolate >.>,provide me a weeks supply and ill prove it to you ;D


Posted: January 29th, 2008, 1:03 pm
by ascot
Sax, typical human being can live on water (and only water) for a week x] You'll start digesting your own proteins, but whatever XD


Posted: January 29th, 2008, 7:22 pm
by Saxire
waahh you study too much ..
i hate biology anyway >.< (yeah i hate most subjects)


Posted: January 31st, 2008, 1:39 pm
by ascot
I'm above the average when it comes to marks but some of my classmates study more, so don't complain ;P

Sax, why don't you give me some recipes? I'd like to try Indian food (if I manage to find the ingredients ofc) ^^


Posted: January 31st, 2008, 4:32 pm
by Saxire
Sax, why don't you give me some recipes?
waahh.... of what?


Posted: February 1st, 2008, 12:07 am
by Jaegar
tasty Indian food ^^p

I'm always looking for interesting new food to make too.


Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 5:09 am
by Saxire
you could tell me what type of food you want ... i could ask my grandma for the recipe
coz jus i wouldnt know what kind you'd want XP
there are millions of types of everything in india.. people.. we have excess of everything :P


Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 6:35 am
by ascot
Hmm, maybe something with vegetables, spices and uhm... fragrant ^^ Like dinner :)


Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 9:06 am
by Saxire
waah thats too vague >.< ..gimme something more specific