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nVIDIA Forceware 174.93 BETA Drivers Released

Posted: April 18th, 2008, 1:36 am
by Yoon
It appears that someone has leaked the newest set of Forceware drivers. Changes are unknown, except that it seems to support some newer GeForce video cards that will be coming out pretty soon. This one natively supports all desktop GeForce FX (XP only), 6, 7, 8, and 9 series cards.

Driver links courtesy of hicookie over at Guru3D:

Driver Download Links:

Windows XP (32-Bit):
Windows XP (64-Bit):
Windows Vista (32-Bit):
Windows Vista (64-Bit):

Installation Instructions:

1.) Unininstall the NVIDIA drivers from "Program Add/Remove"
2.) Install and Run Driver Sweeper with "NVIDIA Display" selected. (It's recommended to do this, so that left over data from old graphics drivers don't conflict with the new ones.)
3.) Restart the computer.
4.) Install the new Forceware drivers.