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Custom Title Idea

Posted: December 25th, 2006, 6:31 am
by azure
A lot of people lately have been complaining about custom titles and such. I talked to Ken about this and agreed to post this on the forums. Ken decided to allow certain people to have custom titles if they participate in helping the guild, such as being taxed for guild exp or giving out items to Ken for guild use such as items for edp so that our sins can use them during battle. He hasn't decided on a set amount yet, so if you guys have any suggestions please feel free to post them. I do know that when I was in SeeD their set amount was 600mil. Now that is a bit steep, and hopefully we can lower it a bit. However, I don't want it so low that everyone can achieve it so easily. There needs to be some effort involved. Please post your opinions and suggestions!

Custom Title Idea

Posted: December 25th, 2006, 10:36 pm
by shinze
azure is in charge of that department ahaha

Custom Title Idea

Posted: December 29th, 2006, 10:29 am
by kakashi

does alchemical stuff/potions count cause i've given keng 185 of my honey's and 150+ of my white potions T_T