Count to INFINITY!

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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8419 gutted... most MMOs are rubbish. iv played PWI, RO, Flyff *well its shit now but when skills were leveled by used i quite liked that idea* , PSO BB *technacly not a MMO but simular exept more action MMO, mertin 2 was alright, archlords was quite fun,conquerer 2 was avarage but not special really, kal online also was decent but music and gameplay was well under avarage , lineage 2 was fun and i really enjoyed it while i was playing it *fun fact : theres a lineage 3 coming out apparantly*. guild wars was the more boring MMO iv played due to the max level, runescape....BLAH, WoW was fun till pvp was in the game so much it sucked and had to either fight enemys and get pked or not fight enemys and get pked, apparantly freelancer is quite a fun game and theres apparantly a server which you can get ships like the tie fighter,imperical star destroyer and other spaceships from other games, RF online.... damn they should of kept this game online T.T fun as hell, SOTNW is avarage but very boring if theres no one to play with... also requires alot of level grinding by auto killing enemys with your party so ok but need to grind ALOT and i mean ALOOOOOOT like were talking castlevania symphony of the night slow, PSU is fucked basicly, rose online was a really cool game despite its really cartoony look and strange enemys,

it may takes ages jest to find a MMO thats really fun and addicting but if you hit the jackpot it will give hours of amusement.... however finding that MMO can be harder than you think. out of all the MMOs iv played heres my top 5 games i had fun on,
5th-SOTNW authough fun the contant grinding doesent get it far. 4th RF online R.I.P 3rd PSOBB Scthhack server. good game,takes a while to level. some good weps and instead of it being a boring *click and enemy dies sort of game* you gotta push the attack buttons and move your char with keyboard. 2nd joint betwin PWI and Lineage 2. great games all i can say :D. 1st RO... you knew this was coming :D
now for the worst 5 you should never touch....EVER
5th conquerer 2. i may of said this game was alright but i didnt say anything about it being fun
4th WoW. now before you WOW fans go mental the reason this is on my list is because I HATE PVP. if you hate pvp avoid this game if not you will love it
3rd Kal online. the music was so shit in this game it was jest like drums all day every day crappy drums banging. plus gameplay was stupid.
2nd Runescape.... losing all your stuff due to 1 simple death and youve got the gayest game ever... almost
1st Guild wars 1 . i seriously couldent stand this game due to its low max level,annoying classes, boring story and enemys gettng a higher max level than you jest plain SUCKS! also the rare items look rubbish >.<
i only spent a short amount of time on this game *yes i played runescape longer since it was more fun than Guild wars which i find funny :D*
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Yahoo »

Guild wars was for pvp mostly :p
That why there was low max lvl. (Apparently guild wars 2 might not have max lvl? Whatever that might mean)
In WoW I actually liked pvp :D Not much of a fan of pvp in other games.
It was so fun to pwn some mages with my warrior :D
RO would be first on my MMO list too :p
PWI might be second with WoW (Cause I liked the pvp in there :D)
And lol yeah. Kal online was the worst ever to me xD

Dunno about the Runes of Magic yet. I said already that it blows but I played it more after that and its starting to grow on meh :p
It might not be anything like WoW or PWI (or especially RO) but its something I can play while being bored to PWI (and waiting for Guild wars 2). Mage is kinda cool :D
(I was using knight when I said the game is crappy, changed to mage after that)
The secondary class system should be cool. I can take priest as my secondary class and then I can heal :D
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8421 hmm ic so its likes guild wars secondary profession
guild wars 2 has no max level ???
as long as its nothing like final fantasty 2 or we will level up well slow :D. you see in final fantasty 2 in order to level up you gotta relie on luck. as in when fighting hp may randomly go up or magic if you used it alot
lol its not that i hate wow * i mean i loved the crafting,dungeon raids,recipies and other stuff like that but what i do not like is
1. high level pkers picking on low levels. it jest aint right for any low level but ou well sucks to be them
2. you couldent even hide away in town since all the npcs could be killed. its alright but its annoying since it takes ages for the npcs to respawn
3. dieing SUCKED. i hated running all the way from 1 side of the map to the other. it sucked balls and a waste of a good 10 minutes max. then sometimes the killer jest waits by your body so you gotta do another boring ass treck again
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Yahoo »

Then ya might wanna test Runes of Magic. It has crafting and stuff :p
There is only 2 races and those are humans and elves so no war between them :p
And you dont need to buy pickaxe to get stuff ya have when ya learn mining skills. (Wont be in inventory)
I think that it actually has nicer crafting thingies than wow :D (It has planting too)
And you can get your own house in this game. Dunno much about it yet. Gotta get more info on it.
And guild can get a castle. :D Its like guild hall in Guild wars, only much bigger I think.
Im in a guild already btw :p Its new so I got some promoted already lol. (Was one of the first people in it)
The game will take a bit getting used to it but for us crazy gamers its nothing big haha.
After PWI the camera doesnt go far enough from the character but I think that Ill get used to that too :p

Ill give ya more info on the game if ya deside to join :p (server and stuff)
Would be fun :D
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8423 its free right?
whats diffrence betwin the 2 races?
lol yah we are crazy but are good at adapting to diffrent games :D like with most games instead of being a pro at once char/class i learn to be most of then *or in your case all of them :D* i do make usually one char on lower rates and stick though.
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

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Yeah its free :þ
Different starting places/some different classes. Stuff like that :p
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8425 lets get the probably download tommorow due to the time i can play it then :D. i feel like i was a bit harsh on WOW so im moving out of the top 5 worst and replace it with a shit game i played yestoday. 4th place is any text based MMOs. they are bullshit. whats more bullshit is japan have 3 psp games i wanna get >.< damn you japan release them in america at least so i can get them and not have to read japaness. those games are PSP2, kingdom hearts and strikeforce 2
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Yahoo »

Gotta start new char... I freaking went and threw out my storage chest... (can put that into house).
I was suprised that I could throw it out >.> Its just stupid that you can throw something like that away..
Can get your own house at lvl 6 btw. (or lvl 5 something like that).
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8427 lol its simular to the recycle bin problem on vista :D
hmm how does it work then do you get atributes depending on the 2 classes you picked *like say if i went rogue,warrior or something*
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Yahoo »

Well umm you get the second class at.. lvl10? So I havent got it yet.
But ya get skills from the other class. Some skills not all.
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8429 do you reacon a rogue/scout would be a good combination?
its gonna take a while to finish *700mb out of 5gigs during a college day so yah...*
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

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I downloaded it at work :D (24mb internet I think)
Dunno. Maybe, maybe not. Only way to know is try it haha.
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8431 its not really a problem since all im doing on my pc atm is listening to music :D playing psp 800mbs
ok il probably try that then :D since after all rogues use energy and scouts use focus so i got best of both worlds. i will call this class RO Rogue :D heres a few more classes i might do :D
warrior+knight = RO Knight :)
knight + cleric = RO Paladin
Druid+ Warder or other way round i dunno :D = My Oblivion Character battle mage
cleric + warrior = holyness will destroy people with axes and crap:D
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Yahoo »

Druid nor warden can be secondary class :p
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Re: Count to INFINITY!

Post by Slayer »

8433 lol ok gonna do a bit of editing then :D
guess il do druid + warrior/knight whatever a elf can use
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